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Motorhome Hydraulic Levelers
undefined Comments - 27 Nov 2019
I'm fairly new to RVing and I bought a 31-foot Class A motorhome that has the HWH hydraulic leveling system. My question is: I live in Upstate, NY and the winters are pretty fierce here. I store my motorhome in a 35-foot carport (RV port) and would like to know if when storing my rig in the winter, should I have the jacks down to take the weight ...

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Motorhome Hydraulic Levelers
undefined Comments - 27 Nov 2019
I'm fairly new to RVing and I bought a 31-foot Class A motorhome that has the HWH hydraulic leveling system. My question is: I live in Upstate, NY and the winters are pretty fierce here. I store my motorhome in a 35-foot carport (RV port) and would like to know if when storing my rig in the winter, should I have the jacks down to take the weight ...

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We are saddened to announce the passing of Gary Bunzer on April 17, 2020. We hope the RV Doctor website will continue to provide helpful information for you. Thank you for your interest and support for the RV Doctor - Debbie, Heather and Gretchen

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Propane Pigtails Needed

I'm replacing a pair of 12" propane pigtails as shown in one of your earlier posts. The only problem is I don't want to buy garbage. The last set lasted just under a year. What brands should I consider? Patrick, (Austin, TX)

 Patrick, I'm a big fan of Marshall propane products made right here in the USA. I'd avoid any and all imported propane components. It's my opinion that they are less than stellar in quality and quality control. According to the Marshall catalog, those pigtails come in the following lengths: 12, 15, 18, 20, 24, 30, 36, 48 and 60 inches. Here's an 18-inch version I found on Amazon. 

But you'll want the green QCC ACME nut on one end and I would guess either a 1/4-inch inverted flare or a threaded male pipe connector on the other end. However, they are available with a myriad of fittings on the regulator end should yours be anything different. You can check out the website and download their catalog right here. Any local RV service center or accessory store should be able to order a set for you if you'd rather buy in person.

Keep in mind, neither the green ACME hand nut nor the inverted flare fitting requires a sealant, but if the regulator end you need is MPT (male pipe thread), you'll definitely need a sealant applicable to flammable gases. Many RVers mistakenly use white Teflon tape as the sealant. The white tape is not compatible with propane gas. The yellow tape, however, is. 

To see what goes on inside those pigtails, check out this earlier post.


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