Supplies for Routine RV Maintenance & Emergency Repairs
By Gary
In an earlier article, the discussion centered on what tools
the proactive RVer should carry onboard during RV excursions; depending, of
course, on how deep into preventive maintenance and repair the owner wished to
delve. (If you missed that article, you can check
it out here.)
This companion article
focuses on the types of maintenance supplies that might, likewise, be carried
in the RV. It is understood that not every RVer camps nightly in a luxury RV
resort; that some of us prefer those off-the-beaten-path sites, without hookups
or other fancy glamping embellishments. In remote dry camping scenarios,
(boon-docking), far from RV service shops and big box stores, we are left to
our own devices and must utilize what supplies we have on hand at any given
moment. Therefore, it is somewhat imperative that we stock the appropriate
supplies to eliminate any discomfort or downtime due to a lack of having the
right part or piece at the right time.
Obviously, the supplies listed here may not be for everyone
or for every type of recreation vehicle. But peruse these thoughts and filter
them through your own reality and see which of the following you should
consider stocking as you travel. You just never know, you may come up with the
“right piece at the right time” to help keep yourself or another RV traveler on
the road. And that’s a good thing!
There is an assortment of tapes that every RVer should have
in his spare parts drawer. Here are the ones I highly recommend:
Electrical Tape - Electrician’s tape is handy for wrapping and
securing wire nuts found in junction boxes throughout the 120-volt electrical
system and for insulating other electrical components.
Painter’s Tape - I’m a stickler for fit and finish and nothing screams
“amateurish” louder than sloppy applications of silicone sealant or roof
sealants. Blue painter’s tape or a low-density masking tape can be easily used
to neaten up resealing jobs. It’s also handy for a plethora of other tasks in
and about the RV.
Duct Tape - For patching and fastening air distribution ducts for
heating and air conditioning systems.
Butyl Tape, (putty
tape) - A “must have” when securing any component to the exterior of the RV. If
you look closely behind window and door frames, between those components and
the sidewall, you’ll see ample examples of the use of butyl tape on just about
every RV. It also comes in handy for stuffing into openings underneath the RV
to seal against critter infestation.
Eternabond Tape - I
endorse Eternabond products and highly recommend all RVers carry a roll or two
of their EMT Tape at the very least. But check out their entire product line.
Sprays & Protectants
Exterior surfaces, roofing surfaces, metal components, slide
mechanisms and rubber stuff all need periodic lubrication and protection.
Having an assortment of products in spray cans just may come in handy.
Protect All Spray - An
industry standard for many years. Spend some time digging deep into their very
informative website. Many RVers I know will not travel without a can of Protect
All Spray on board.
Spray - Boeshield T-9 - I’ve
been sold on this, non-silicone, lubricating spray for many years. I use it on
my vehicles and in my home often.
Lube - Lubrication of slide mechanisms is important, crucial in
some circumstances, and it is vital that the lubrication be a dry lube.
Protection - For all things rubber or vinyl, 303 Protectant has proven positive for many
RVers for many years.
Spray Gap Foam - Used to fill voids and gaps around plumbing components,
tubing and electrical harnesses that penetrate through the under flooring
portions of the RV. It plugs cracks, gaps and holes and insulates as it
prohibits unwelcomed critters from entering the RV.
Spray Paints - You choose the colors you need, but your RV may require
some fresh paint on the undercarriage or propane containers from time to time.
Never allow metallic components to rust!
Probably the most important of the supplies you’ll ever
carry with you. Having the right sealant at the right time may eliminate
long-term downtime or those “dead-in-the-water” scenarios. A major plumbing or
propane leak can simply ruin a perfect vacation.
Thread Sealant, (potable water suitable) - This one you’ll need when
removing, reinstalling, or replacing fresh water system threaded pipe fittings
on the coach. Be sure it’s approved for potable water.
Thread Sealant, (flammable gas suitable) - There are many to choose from;
but be sure your choice is applicable to propane gas.
By the way, if you tend to favor the Teflon tape type of
thread sealant, be aware that the common white Teflon tape is not approved for
flammable gasses. The yellow Teflon tape is approved for propane and other gasses, however.
Thread Sealant - This is a handy sealant to have on board for those pesky
bolts, nuts and screws that seemingly back out or loosen during travel. There
are many types to choose from so be sure to carefully analyze what your coach
may require.
Sealant (caulking), Clear & White - As much as I distain
silicone type caulkings in general, in some cases, it is just handy to have
some. Just be conservative in its use. Nothing looks as bad as silicone
caulking sloshed around a component that looks like it was applied by a trained
chimp equipped with a three-inch spatula. Use your blue painter’s tape to mask
off a clean line when using silicone sealants.
Roof Patch Kit - Dicor produces a nice
patch kit for rubber EPDM roofing. Likewise Eternabond tape of the appropriate
width can also suffice nicely for small tears or punctures.
Roof Seam
Eliminator - Another great Eternabond
product; this kit comes with all you need to seal any front or rear cap
joint on the roof.
Fiberglass Patch Kit - Yep,
for eliminating that hole in your fiberglass roof or end cap when you backed
into that site with the low hanging branches.
Greases & Oils
I’ll exclude the obvious oils and lubricants used on
motorhome engine and chassis components. You obviously already know about
crankcase oil, zerk fittings, transfer case oil, wheel bearing grease,
transmission fluid, rear-end grease, etc. If not, refer to your owner’s manual
for the specifics of your chassis.
Dow 111 Grease - Dow 111 is recommended
for lubricating termination gate valves for waste systems (the dump valves), as
well as rejuvenating dried out rubber seals or diaphragms found in some
plumbing fittings.
Marvel Mystery Oil - In an
earlier life, I used Mystery Oil in my pneumatic tools in the shop. If you
employ air-powered tools, you’ll not find a better lubricant. It can also be
used for dissolving greases on or about the engine compartment or for
rejuvenating rubber hoses. Plus it just has a cool name!
Specifically Electrical
Solderless Electrical Terminals/Lugs - Self-explanatory, I
hope. If not, you needn’t bother with these.
Shrink Tubing - We teach the professional RV service techs to always use
heat shrink tubing when making electrical connections. Get the type that has an
internal sealing compound that make the connection watertight.
12-volt Fuses - Check your owner’s manual for the type and ampacity
ratings used in your particular RV.
12-volt Bulbs or LEDs - Again, go through your rig and determine how many
and what ratings you’ll need in case a few decide to die during your next dry
camping trip.
0000 Steel
Wool - Steel wool in the “Specifically Electrical” section of
this article? What? Just watch this short video
and you’ll see why.
Hardware & Miscellaneous
Most of the following only requires common sense and a
spattering of handyperson thinking to decipher the “why and how,” but here they
Assorted Nylon Wire Ties, (zip
Assorted Hex-Head Sheet Metal
Assorted Wood Screws
Assorted Finish Nails
Assorted Sandpapers or Emory Cloth
Assorted Putty Sticks - to fill
nail holes
Flare Plugs and Caps - This one might require a bit of explanation, but
considering that all the propane appliances found in the typical recreation
vehicle are fed its steady diet of the fuel through a few different types of
distribution plumbing, almost always, the final connection to an individual
appliance is via copper tubing. If an ill-acting appliance needs to be removed
for any reason, having the right size flare plug or cap will guarantee you’ll
be able to safely continue to use the remaining appliances in the propane system.
The nice thing is that flare fittings require no sealants.
Pipe Plugs and Caps - All for the same reasons stated just above, but
for the water system more so than the propane system. But keep in mind, some
distribution piping in the propane system also uses threaded pipe fittings as
Blowing Bubbles - I can already hear you muttering, “Okay Doc, you
got me on this one!” But checking for propane leaks at individual fittings and
connections requires some type of soapy solution or a more expensive leak
detection fluid. I’ve been using dime store blowing bubbles for over forty
years now. It’s very inexpensive and the viscosity of the bubble solution is
perfect for RV propane delivery line pressures. Plus, some dish detergent solutions,
though equally inexpensive, can cause caustic reactions to copper tubing and
brass gas fittings. And getting the right viscosity takes some getting used to.
With a bottle of blowing bubbles, it’s just right, straight out of the bottle.

Cleaners, Restorers, Waxes and Polishes - Exterior
care products come in a variety of types, formulas and degrees of
sophistication. I tend to favor Protect All products since that’s been there
specialty for many years and they have a proven track record. But whatever
products you finally decide on, it’s important that each product be approved
for “that” type of exterior surface. In my Exterior Care seminars, I mention
that all products are not created equal and there’s no such thing as a “one
size - fits all” type of cleaner, polisher or protectant. It must be formulated
for the exact surface to which you will be applying it. Damage, both temporary
and permanent, can result if using the wrong product on the wrong surface.
Know exactly the types of exterior surfaces on your rig and
read the labels fully and carefully. If in doubt about which type of roofing
material you have or what are the sidewalls are made from, etc., contact your
manufacturer or dealer to be sure.
It’s quite possible you have other RV maintenance and
emergency repair products you regularly use besides the ones mentioned here. Be
sure to let me know which products you favor. But the importance of having the
right selection of these types of products on hand as you travel cannot be
overstated. Some just may make the difference between continuing on your way,
or making an emergency detour into an RV service facility. And remember, RVing
is more than a hobby, it’s a lifestyle!