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We are saddened to announce the passing of Gary Bunzer on April 17, 2020. We hope the RV Doctor website will continue to provide helpful information for you. Thank you for your interest and support for the RV Doctor - Debbie, Heather and Gretchen

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Leaky RV Window Can Cause Structural Damage

My husband and I own a 4-Winds Hurricane. When we first purchased it, pre-owned about five years ago, from an elderly neighborhood couple, we had not planned on it. It just kind of happened and we couldn't be happier. However, initially there was a little bubble in the fiberglass shell below the back bedroom windows. We were told that the windows were put in backwards and water had gotten in but the windows were corrected and no problems since. But over the last couple years, the bubbles have gotten bigger and where our pleated shade screws into the wall below the windows inside, they pulled loose. It is soft inside the holes and we fear we may have to replace the inside wall. What exactly is involved and what kind of money are we talking about? We love our RV and keep her immaculate. We want to keep her for many more years as she has given us such great memories. One especially...my mom died a couple years ago and I had the opportunity to take her camping and she loved it. She had never done anything like that in her life. So can it be fixed and can we save her? Angie L. (Trainer, PA)

Angie, it was so nice that you got to take your Mom RVing! You can forever know the joy you brought to her on that trip.

I'm a little confused about having the windows installed backwards; that's really not possible. Upside down, maybe, which would definitely result in a water leak. In any case, it is apparent moisture has invaded the interior walls. If indeed the window leaks have been stopped, it's possible only relatively minor repairs are required. But it will take an expert RV service technician to fully inspect and assess the resulting damage. Some of it may be hidden inside the wall. In minor cases, the delamination of the exterior surface will often cease once the leak is sealed. But if the interior paneling is weakened or rotted, the problem may be more severe. In most cases, the damage can be mitigated. How much it might cost is unknown until the inspection process is completed. I would definitely find a qualified service tech to fully inspect the damaged area. I do have an experienced, Master Certified RV Technician in your area I can refer you to; contact: 

Ron Donachie
Ron’s Mobile RV Services, Inc.
Serving Eastern Pennsylvania

He'll come to your door and perform the necessary inspections and to assure all leaks have been eliminated.


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