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We are saddened to announce the passing of Gary Bunzer on April 17, 2020. We hope the RV Doctor website will continue to provide helpful information for you. Thank you for your interest and support for the RV Doctor - Debbie, Heather and Gretchen

Monday, October 26, 2009

Obsolete Water Heater

I have an older President model motorhome. The water heater needs a new gas burner. The manufacturer of the water heater is American Appliance Manufacturing Corp. I can't see the model clearly but it looks like it’s a six gallon. It’s an automatic light water heater. I am having trouble tracking down the parts.
Bruce, (Litchfield, MN)

Bruce, American Appliance was purchased by Suburban Manufacturing back in 1987. Suburban has been, and still is, a major provider of water heaters for RVs, so any six-gallon Suburban burner should suffice. If indeed it is a direct spark American Appliance, Suburban burners of the same size water heater should be applicable. Your closest service center should have no problem ordering a new burner for your unit. They will, however, have to know which control valve assembly is equipped on your water heater. If you cannot read all the data on the data plate, then it’s best they take a look at it to determine the correct parts. But you may want to consider a brand new water heater. You’ll be getting the new warranty plus a more efficient water heater. Just a thought.


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