From D. – RE day/night shades; we have an angel (of sorts) here in Sacramento who repaired mine for $45. He’s known as the Van Man. He took them in one day and had them back the next.
From Vicki - There was recently a question about fixing day/night shades when the cords have broken. I have the solution! It is www.dirtyblindman.com. He has all the parts needed to repair day/night blinds, plus he provides a CD showing step-by-step procedures. He has different shades of cord and he ships with a 3-day delivery! His prices are even affordable! It really beats having to replace the entire blind. Also, one thing I found especially helpful in restringing my blinds was a set of long needles purchased at Wal-Mart in the sewing section. You may have to ask a clerk, but I've seen them in many of their stores for under $2.